domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009


The future in the web 2.0, it means technologies like search, social networks, online media (music, videos, pictures) and other more.

according to this website Read/WriteWeb The most important trends are:

Virtual worlds:
It refers to sites or virtual communities such as "Second Life" and "X-Box" . They are becaming most populars daily and also to do business within these universes.

Focus Economy: It is referred to receive services in exchange for your attention online.

Online Video / Internet TV: The phenomenon of the online videos will continue rising with the
Pathfinder "Youtube", the telivision o the internet is starting to appear more and more. for example the Champion league can see on the internet by ESPN but first you have to pay for this service.

Rich Internet Applications: The web sites designed with Ajax technology will be very popular in the future.

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