sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009



This virtual spaces privides interpersonal relationships, networks of friends and virtual communities. It is a comunication space between people around the world.
Nowadays the social networks have moved our real live contacts to internet, it
appeared firstly in US but now they are in the whole world.

This online services are more popular each day. For example the most popular is MySpace between teenagers and young adults. The second one is Blog, it is dedicate tu create and blog administration and also there are other such as Twitter, Facebook, Hi5, etc.

to be part of a social network, you must be registered. mostly of these are free then you have to complete a simple form with personal data, photos, etc. when the user has finished with the form.The user is able to invite friends to increase his or her community. To do so, these sites offer a number of applications, such us searches, messaging, forums, chats, etc.

The goal is not to replace the traditional relationship, but to empower them to use the facilities of Internet.

1 comentario:

  1. you are right!!

    the social networks are amazing!!! and it doesn't replace the traditional relationship.
    nowadays the internet makes our life more easy :)
