domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009


If you are designed a web site you need to know which type of screen resolution, Internet viewer and operating system will use the most visitors. Now I'm going to have a little help about this.

Internet Viewer: Internet Explorer 6 is the most pcommon in our country because when we bauy a computer it comes installed by default. This is due many consumers don't know more about internet navigators. If I were you, I would use Mozilla Firefox because it is more friendly to scripts that the new web site are designed nowadays.

Screen Resolution: 1280 x 960 is the trend now this has displaced to 1024 x 768 and the future trend is design with higher resolutions for example LCD screens have replaced CRT monitors besides the laptops and mobile devices are rising.

Operating Systems: For my between Windows XP and Windows Vista I prefer Windows XP because Windows vista is very visual but useful to make applications of any kind insted Windows XP is just the opposite.

But depends on the taste of each person.


The future in the web 2.0, it means technologies like search, social networks, online media (music, videos, pictures) and other more.

according to this website Read/WriteWeb The most important trends are:

Virtual worlds:
It refers to sites or virtual communities such as "Second Life" and "X-Box" . They are becaming most populars daily and also to do business within these universes.

Focus Economy: It is referred to receive services in exchange for your attention online.

Online Video / Internet TV: The phenomenon of the online videos will continue rising with the
Pathfinder "Youtube", the telivision o the internet is starting to appear more and more. for example the Champion league can see on the internet by ESPN but first you have to pay for this service.

Rich Internet Applications: The web sites designed with Ajax technology will be very popular in the future.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009


Bing is a new navigator and it was presented by Microsoft on june third.

Although when you get into the site we see a beta version, in the US there is a full version that you can pay if you want it.

Visually Bing is good because it shows many beautiful places of our planet like backgrounds and it changes each time that we get in to the site.

When you search in Bing it gives you a detail information of web sites that we are searching the version beta has a serching engine similar to the Google.

we must await the complete version will become free to see if it actually worth using with its whole tools because that version has the same tools that Google has, nothing new for the moment.

In my point of view I prefer to use Google because I always find that I search in a clear way such as photos web sites information about about a specific topic.

And I think that is hard to replace Google for the moment. But we'll have to wait and see what Bing can be done.

This the URL if you want to try that site

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009


Today the CDs have a limited capacity for data storage even the DVDs are smaller when you want to make backups although new kinds sich as HD DVD (30 Gb) and BLU-RAY (50 Gb) are temporary solutions.
Mempile company is already thinking about a new solution. This is about optical disks similar to current DVDs, but a little thicker. This kind of disk will allow to store data until one terabyte, it will be divided in 200 layers of 5 GB each one.

For the moment the current tecnology allows to write only one time per disk but they are already working in a solution. With blue laser optical system the storage data could store up to 5 terabytes and the long life of the new disks of whom I spoke in my previous post it will be something awesome in the very near future.

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009


Millenniata a Springvile's company has presented a technology that allows write DVDs that can be used until a thousand years. We know that the normal length of a disk is 3 to 12 years aproximatly, this company says that they are in final negotiations with Phillip company about the patent license and they are planning to produce them on September.

It will be call M-ARC-Discs and its price will be 25 to 30 dollars at first.

The disk can be read on any regular reader of DVD.



This virtual spaces privides interpersonal relationships, networks of friends and virtual communities. It is a comunication space between people around the world.
Nowadays the social networks have moved our real live contacts to internet, it
appeared firstly in US but now they are in the whole world.

This online services are more popular each day. For example the most popular is MySpace between teenagers and young adults. The second one is Blog, it is dedicate tu create and blog administration and also there are other such as Twitter, Facebook, Hi5, etc.

to be part of a social network, you must be registered. mostly of these are free then you have to complete a simple form with personal data, photos, etc. when the user has finished with the form.The user is able to invite friends to increase his or her community. To do so, these sites offer a number of applications, such us searches, messaging, forums, chats, etc.

The goal is not to replace the traditional relationship, but to empower them to use the facilities of Internet.